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Don is So Grateful for Your Comments

Don called this morning at 8:30 to ask that I post the following:

I am deeply touched and very, very grateful to everyone who has taken the time to post the many wonderful comments on the website. Your kindness, care and concern have been a lifeline for me.

This has been the my hardest Dakar ever both physically and emotionally. Not only the sudden end to my own ride, but the death of the young Frenchman that I rode with for two days, has hit me very hard. I want you all to know that the fact that you are thinking of me and holding me in your thoughts has really helped me.

Don and Natalie and family are leaving Vina del Mar today, headed to La Serena hoping to join Simon and the crew there before the last day of rally. With luck they may make Copiapo which is on the third to last day before end of the rally in Santiago.

At this point, they are thinking they will be back in Duncan by the 27th or 28th. Natalie will be texting as they continue.

For those of you who missed the interview on Friday on CFAX, here is the interview broken into five parts.

Interview Part I (7 mins.)

Interview Part II (9.24 mins.)

Interview Part III (8:38 mins)

Interview Part IV (9:06 mins)

Interview V (0:45 secs)

1 comment to Don is So Grateful for Your Comments

  • Steve Knight

    Don: congratulations on a superb effort! Sorry that it didnt go the distance but Really glad you’re alive to tell the tale. I’m near Mexico City right now and heading south and looking forward to the day we can tour the GS’s together. I think Colleen and Natalie would prefer to wait patiently in four star resorts for our arrival at various point around the globe!
    Drinks are on me when we hook up next.
    Take care, Al the best to the whole team…get everyone home safely.

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